Part 1: So, What Are You Up To Now?
The quality of a graduate’s first job has a large influence on whether the individual initially finds the MBA valuable or not. Luckily, we’ve interviewed a wide range of functions and industries to analyze recent graduates’ thoughts. As an intro to the people who will be examined throughout this book, we first asked what life is like now. Use these profiles as a frame of reference for initial career trajectories.

Part 2: What Made You Go to School?
This is where it all started. For those of you with business school friends, you are probably aware that B-school students come from a variety of careers.

Part 3: What Was the Experience Like?
You get into business school; your deposit is paid; and all your other logistics are taken care of. You’re in a constant state of anticipation as you ask yourself, “What is it actually LIKE?” You’ve heard the stories, but besides the partying, what is there for you to gain? Our MBA grads have all weighed in on their personal experiences, and some of the answers are surprising.

Part 4: Life After School
It’s no secret that MBAs are smart, ambitious, and sometimes even pushy. As a result, they are continually thinking about what the next step in their careers is. If they didn’t, they probably wouldn’t have gotten their MBA in the first place. They all had grand visions coming into school, but how do these visions play out after the first job? How quickly do they transition to the next level? Are they loyal to their employers? What would they change if they could do it all again? My interviewees respond here.